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Online help desk contributes big help to all technology users around the world. It helps many people in different ways to meet our needs. It is also easier to give services and information to all users, dealing their complaints on technical issues and provide customer services anywhere and anytime through online. In this generation, easy and quick accessibility is a must. It also gives many IT pros to begin their career as help desk technicians because of the low experience and education requirements.

On the other side, online help desk has its disadvantages too. You must be connected to the internet first for you to access the services. If you are in remote areas, you will spend money and more time to travel to a place where there is an internet connection. If the staffs are not well trained and incompetent, it may results to the customer to get irritated and frustrated. 
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  1. Thanks for sharing this article, its really helpful for me. And I'm waiting for your new post.
    IT Help Desk


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