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Cybercrimes are crimes that involve computer and the network. The computers or other gadgets may have been used to commit a crime. The government made some actions to implement law against cybercrimes. Advantage of cybercrime law is protection of the people against criminal acts from individuals or groups. Criminals will be penalized and will be subjected to jail. It will lessen criminalities over the internet. Disadvantages are mostly those terms in the law are not clearly defined and there are many various degrees of interpretation. It threatens freedom of speech. The government restricts some internet use; they can automatically shut down that certain website and the rights of the people to know information and events by blocking some computer data which is not right. 

5 Things that should be included in the Cybercrime Law:

  1. Supplying Hoax Information - False information that affects mass publicity. Individuals who are involve or the main stray will be punished and penalized.
  1. Trash Talking -  Speech that insults and humiliate someone.
  1. Internet Connection below 30 Mbps -    Our country is one of the slowest and most expensive internet connections in the world. Telecommunication companies that provide 30 mbps below must be punishable by the law. 
  1. Free and Unlimited Internet Connection  -   Free and unlimited internet connection to everyone. 
  1. Freedom of Speech according to the Use -   Right to express their thoughts and feelings according to their uses. 

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